Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin yesterday, December 30, 2024, inaugurated India’s first glass bridge, a landmark addition to the state’s tourism infrastructure. The bridge, spanning an impressive 77 meters in length and 10 meters in width, offers breathtaking views of two iconic monuments in Kanyakumari: the towering Thiruvalluvar Statue and the historic Vivekananda Rock Memorial.
Constructed at a cost of ₹37 crore, the glass bridge represents Tamil Nadu’s dedication to combining cultural heritage with modern tourism experiences. The Thiruvalluvar Statue, a tribute to the celebrated Tamil poet-saint, was originally inaugurated 25 years ago by the late Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi.
The inaugural event was attended by prominent leaders, including Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin, state ministers, MP Kanimozhi, and senior officials. After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Chief Minister Stalin led a symbolic walk across the bridge, marking its official opening.
The evening’s festivities were further enhanced by a dazzling laser light show at the Thiruvalluvar Statue. The vibrant display illuminated the night sky, creating a festive atmosphere and captivating the gathered audience.
This landmark project underscores Tamil Nadu’s efforts to integrate its rich cultural heritage with contemporary innovation, ensuring that Kanyakumari continues to be a premier destination for travelers. The inauguration of the glass bridge not only highlights the state’s vision for tourism but also celebrates the enduring legacy of its monuments for generations to come.